We are now “Friend of ZDHC”
Meet the author
Mou Nath
CMO & Sustainability Strategist
When it comes to chemical management, our ultimate goal as a friend of ZDHC is to use certified and trusted chemicals across our global supply base. As a member of an industry sector that has contributed its fair share to environmental pollution, ZXY feels deeply connected to these issues. We are conscious of the important role we play and are working hard to be part of the solution.
Core to our beliefs at ZXY, we have mapped out critical milestones relating to our environment, preferred materials, and, most importantly, our people and partners to protect our shared social and geological setting. Our partnership with ZDHC is critical to this roadmap. ZDHC wants to protect our planet by reducing industry’s chemical footprint. That means working hand-in-hand with the entire value chain. They collaborate with global brands, chemical suppliers, manufacturers and other organisations that share their vision.
Together with ZDHC, our supply base partners and regional teams create a new way forward.
“ZXY joined as a ‘Friends of ZDHC’ in line with our Sustainability & Compliance Roadmap 2023. Our broader objectives are to encourage and guide our supply chain to use safe and approved chemicals to help restore the planet; also promote sustainability practices in the supply chain based on the ZDHC roadmap to zero programs. I am personally taking this opportunity to pay tribute to our Sustainability & Compliance teams for their outstanding efforts to bring awareness throughout our supply partner audience.” - said Chaminda Hesiri Subasinghe, Global Head of Compliance and CSR at ZXY.
As part of our commitment regarding our environmental impact, ZXY will use 100% ZDHC certified chemicals throughout our global operations, meaning that we are aiming for 0% hazardous discharge from production processes into our environment by 2030.
To see more from the ZDHC team please read here: ZDHC About Us or ZXY friend of ZDHC. If you would like to hear more, please contact us at hello@zxyinternational.com